Learn to play the 1920s and ’30s chord melody and rhythm guitar styles of Eddie Lang, Nick Lucas, Freddie Green, Carl Kress, and other early jazz greats. With chord melody solos to popular swing melodies, advanced rhythm guitar techniques, and acoustic jazz picking techniques.
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Chord Melody Basics, Part 1: Triad Inversions
In this lesson, you’ll learn some of the essential chord voicings you’ll need to know to start playing 1920s-style chord melody. Matt starts by showing you the three major triad voicings on the top three strings, explaining the difference between root position, first inversion, and third inversion. He also shows you how to turn major triads into minor triads and gives you some ideas about fingering the shapes so that you can move through the voicings with the least amount of finger movement, changing your fingerings so you have a guide finger between chords depending on where you’re going and where you’re coming from.