In this video, Alisa uses the concepts she introduced in Part 1 to improvise on ’Ida Red’ and ‘Cacklin’ Hen.’”
Links to recordings of:
Also see the Apple Music playlist on the main Improvising for Fiddlers and Violinists page.
SESSION 4: Melodic Variations on “Goodbye Liza Jane” |
SESSION 4: Melodic Variations on “Goodbye Liza Jane” |
In this session you’ll learn how to improvise over the popular fiddle tune “Goodbye Liza Jane.” Alisa also shows you how to decorate the melody using register shifts, double stops, bowing patterns, neighbor notes, melodic fragments, and other ways to create variations that are still recognizable as the melody.
Here are some links to recordings of “Goodbye Liza Jane”:
“Goodbye Liza Jane” Bluegrass 95
“Goodbye Liza Jane” Grant Gordy
“Goodbye Liza Jane” Bobby Hicks
“Goodbye Liza Jane” David Grier
Also see the Apple Music playlist on the main Improvising for Fiddlers and Violinists page.
"Goodbye Liza Jane" Melodic Variations (Available to subscribers) |