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Lauren Rioux

With over 25 years of experience in music education, Lauren Rioux is enthusiastically sought out for her teaching expertise, leading workshops across the globe. Lauren helps musicians (mostly string players) unlock their inner voice and achieve their potential. Lauren believes that everyone has the ability to create a sound they love, experience the joy that their sound produces, and express what they’re unable to articulate with words. 


Since 2014, her site has provided students the world over with access to Lauren’s innovative curriculum, inspiring and motivating blog, and most importantly, inimitable teaching style. She is eager to share her newest course with Peghead Nation. 


As a performer, Lauren has toured the United States, Europe and the UK, performing at such festivals as Wintergrass, Delfest, Rockygrass, and Celtic Connections, with Darol Anger and his Republic of Strings, as a duo with Brittany Haas, with Scott Nygaard and Crow Molly, and with her husband Sten Havumaki. 


“Lauren has a deep intuitive understanding of people and their musical journeys; and therefore has a lot to offer in terms of guidance as well as a real knack for explaining the nitty-gritty details of string playing and music theory. She plays with thoughtful purpose, stringing together notes and ideas in order to effect a feeling in her listeners, uniting musicians and audience for a communal experience of joy. ”

— Brittany Haas


Lauren Rioux teaches:
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Steph Johnson | Taylor Guitars
Steph Johnson | Taylor Guitars
Jewel nominates next-generation singer-songwriter Steph Johnson as an artist to watch.
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