Getting a good, consistent and punchy boom-chuck is a matter of repetition, hours and hours of it. But practicing such a seemingly simple thing can be difficult by itself. You can practice it with a metronome, which is certainly a good idea, but the best way to practice rhythm guitar is with other people. If you can find a fiddle player or other instrumentalist who wants practice playing their tunes, offer to go back them up for an evening. Jam sessions are good practice, too, but it can be easy to get lost in the din of a jam without really knowing whether you’re playing in time or not. Another good way to practice your basic boom-chuck groove is to learn some simple songs that have a lot of verses and just a few chord changes, so you can practice your rhythm without having to worry about anything other than what your picking hand is doing. “Rove Riley Rove” is one of those: a great old-time song that’s fun to sing and play with just a couple of chord changes, in this case A and D. Scott gives you advice on “keeping it simple” and then plays and sings “Rove Riley Rove” so you can play along.
"Rove Riley Rove" (Available to subscribers)