The fiddle tune “Red-Haired Boy” is a jam-session favorite and one that every flatpicker should know. In this lesson, you’ll learn a version with a characteristic bluegrass syncopation that is good to become used to: eighth note, quarter note, eighth note, which takes up two beats. To pick this with strict alternating picking you’ll play down-up, up-down, with that second downstroke starting the next phrase. You can practice this by keeping your pick moving and “ghost” the downstroke that would normally be played between up strokes: down-up, _-up down. There are many versions of “Red-Haired Boy,” some of which start with this rhythm, and you’ll learn a version with a few more examples of this syncopation slipped into the melody. You’ll learn the melody of the A part in this video.
"Red-Haired Boy" (Available to subscribers)