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“Worried Man Blues” Key of A, Part 4: Run Through Play-Along Track

This lesson is part of the course Folk and Bluegrass Songs for Fiddle with Lauren Rioux.
Get immediate access to this lesson and all of the lessons in this course when you subscribe.

About This Course

Learn to craft your own fiddle solos to folk and bluegrass songs by creating melodic and rhythmic interest using pickups, double stops, licks, and fills. You’ll work through each song in multiple keys so you can become comfortable with transposition on the fly, a crucial component for successful jamming.
Try a Sample Lesson
“Worried Man Blues” Key of D

One of the ways you can start embellishing melodies is by varying the pickups to lines of the melody. In “Worried Man Blues” the vocal pickup is just one word/note: “it.” In this video, Lauren shows you how you can start varying the pickup rhythmically and melodically.

The Folk and Bluegrass Songs for Fiddle Subscription Includes:
  • An in-depth method for creating solos to folk and bluegrass songs by using pickups, fills, blues notes, double stops, and more
  • Solos to popular folk and bluegrass songs like “Worried Man Blues,” “Bury Me Beneath the Willow,” “Will the Circle Be Unbroken,” and more
  • All songs taught in four different keys
  • Detailed notation for all lessons
  • Slow and fast Play-Along Tracks in multiple keys for each song
  • New lessons added every month
  • High-quality video lessons with multiple camera angles so you can see closeups of both hands in action.
$20/Month For One Course
Additional courses only $10/month each!   •   Save 20% with an annual subscription
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“Worried Man Blues” Key of A  
“Worried Man Blues” Key of A  
“Worried Man Blues” Key of A, Part 4: Run Through Play-Along Track
“Worried Man Blues” Key of A, Part 4: Run Through Play-Along Track

Play along with Lauren as she plays the melody and a version of a possible solo for  “Worried Man Blues” in the key of A at slow and fast tempos.

  “Worried Man Blues” Key of A, Play-Along Track, Slow MP3 Download (Available to subscribers)
  “Worried Man Blues” Key of A, Play-Along Track, Fast MP3 Download (Available to subscribers)

Fiddle Articles

article: Jenni Alpert, “One of These Days” | LR Baggs

The songwriter and guitarist plays one of her original songs live in the LR Baggs’ studio in Nashville.

Fiddle Videos

video: Dale Russ and Marla Fibish: “Lafferty’s/The Lady on the Island”

Peghead Nation’s Irish fiddle and mandolin teachers play a medley of Irish reels.
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