One of the ways you can start embellishing melodies is by varying the pickups to lines of the melody. In “Worried Man Blues” the vocal pickup is just one word/note: “it.” In this video, Lauren shows you how you can start varying the pickup rhythmically and melodically.
“Been All Around This World,” Key of A |
“Been All Around This World,” Key of A, Part 1: Melody |
“Been All Around This World” is an old American folk song with many variations and titles, including “Diggin’ On a New Railroad” and “Hang Me, Oh Hang Me.” There are great recent versions from Crooked Still and Jerry Garcia and David Grisman, among many others. In this lesson, you’ll learn it in two octaves in the key of A, using the closed handshape in the lower octave.
Workin’ on a new railroad, mud up to my knees
Workin’ on a new railroad, mud up to my knees
I'm working for big John Henry but he’s so hard to please
I've been all around this world
Hang me oh hang me and I’ll be dead and gone
Hang me oh hang me and I’ll be dead and gone
It’s not the hanging that I mind it’s laying in the grave so long
I’ve been all around this world
“Been All Around This World,” Key of A, Notation (Available to subscribers) |